Inter Faculty French 5a

Code School Level Credits Semesters
LANG4001 Modern Languages and Cultures 4 10 Autumn UK
Modern Languages and Cultures
Autumn UK


This module is principally aimed at improving the students productive skills in the target language to approach that of a native speaker. This module will concentrate on socio-political/socio-cultural registers of language and deal with contemporary issues of the country whose language is being studied. A single written assessment will replace all failed assessment components at the reassessment stage.

For further information on choosing the correct language level, please visit the Language Centre Information Hub:

Target Students

This module is open to all students provided their home department approves. Priority will be given to students on the BA in International Communication Studies. Successful completion of Stage 4b or 1 year of post-A-level language tuition (or equivalent) required.Please note, your enrolment on this module will be conditional on subsequent attendance at an assessment by the Language Centre, where your appropriate language level will be confirmed. Failure to attend the assessment may result in your enrolment being cancelled. Dates and times of the assessment sessions will be advertised on the Language Centre website. Only available to students who have completed LANG3012 Inter Faculty French 4b (or 1 year of post A-level language tuition or equivalent). Available to JYA/Exchange students.


Students must be able to attend all three hours of class tuition or notify the tutor if they are unable to attend. Persistent failure to attend without good reason could lead to disqualification from examinations or the withholding of credits (School Attendance Policy can be found on Moodle).


Assessed by end of autumn semester

Educational Aims

The Stage is principally aimed at improving the students written productive skills and oral presentation skills in the Target Language, particularly in terms of variety of language, appropriateness of register and grammatical accuracy to approach that of an educated native speaker. To achieve that aim, the course will rely heavily on the use of authentic materials (videos and audio tapes, Internet, newspaper and magazine articles).Students must expect to participate actively, which involves preparation before classes and follow-up work afterwards, in order to develop their language skills. The structure of the course will be topic-based and will be supported by thorough grammar revision. Where appropriate, topics will be dealt with comparatively and contrastively in order to highlight differences and similarities between Britain and the countries in question.

Learning Outcomes

- Individual and group presentation skills

- Use of digital resources in the target language

- Interacting over digital platforms such as forums and blogs

- Self-evaluation

- Letter writing and reflection based on texts and videos

 - Cross-cultural awareness

- Textual reorganisation


View in Curriculum Catalogue
Last updated 26/05/2024.